Lorne - Devlog 05

Improving the puzzles so that they can go up walls and round corners is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. The way that puzzle pieces find new connections and transmit the ‘current’ to the next piece (and next puzzle checks to see if it can connect to the previous piece) uses an array of vector3s. I could have made things easier for myself by having four empty game objects arranged around the outside of the tile where it’s possible for a connection to be made to the tile. The nice thing about empty game objects is that they all have a transform component that keeps track of their rotation. And so they would know which direction to pass their connection on, and would be able to account for the angle of the wall that they are placed on. I heard that adding too many empty game objects can affect performance so I decided to do it all in code and use vector3s instead, this means that I have to do a bunch of the stuff that the transform component does.

Get Servant to the Serpent

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